When I saw this I instantly was triggered by my inability to properly at times initially define variable names in #PHP. #coding #developers
A list of useful, not-obvious hacks to get the most out of your browser’s1 debugger. Assumes an intermediate-level-or-higher understanding of the developer tools. #Developers #Coding #JavaScript
"No one actually wants simplicity." "The real test is the question “what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve simplicity?” If the answer is “nothing”, then you don’t actually love simplicity at all, it’s your lowest priority." #development #coding
Developers: The Alignment System for testing. #coding #development
RT @josipvojak: PHP 8.1 will be released on Nov 25. Stay up to date and see what it brings to us! #php #programming #coding @ramsey @PHPS…
RT @compscidamian: I am gonna be attending @wordcampmiami 2019. #WCMIA #developerslife #computerscience #backinflorida #coding…
RT @alanadavis1233: Getting our #EdTech learn on this a.m. @fetc 2018! #RaspberryPi #Python #coding @STEMcobb @MabletonES #ultimatelearning…
Curated list of “creative #coding resources (books, links, videos) primarily for beginners/intermediates”.…