
  • "2024: 0.5% of the Global Top 200 Websites Use Valid #HTML" #webdev #coding

  • Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring #programming #webdev #coding

  • TIL: 8 versions of UUID and when to use them #programming #webdev #coding

  • "Good #programmers worry about data structures and their relationships" #coding #webdev "Try to reduce code complexity through stricter types on your interfaces or #databases. Spend extra time thinking through the data structures ahead of time. "

  • "#Programmers Should Never Trust Anyone, Not Even Themselves" #coding #programming #webdev

  • "notebooks are McDonalds of code" #programming #coding #webdev

  • "#OpenSource is a restaurant." "…At a restaurant, you eat your meal first, and then you are expected to pay for it. Yes, we could dine and dash. But we don’t. When presented with a tab for a meal we have just eaten, we pay the tab." #webdev #coding

  • Untitled post 59408

    Classic Console Neue #font is good for command line font, FAR Manager, Putty, #VSCode font, IntelliJ, WebStorm/PHPStorm, etc. #coding

  • "Clever code is probably the worst code you could write… and clear, readable code is probably the hardest #code to write." #programming #coding

  • Untitled post 59315

    From time to time I stumble onto a modern Tweet worth adding to my collection (via #mastodon). — About #coding / #tech industry: "Early in my career, I joined a project that used a lot of #SQL. I was new to SQL so I found an “intro to SQL” book on the company bookshelf,…

  • Untitled post 59084

    "You shouldn't care how your code works as long as it works." 🤔 #programming #coding

  • Untitled post 59001

    "Ever seen a function in code that is named for the very thing that it DOESN'T DO?" 🤔 #programming #webdev #coding #memes

  • Snake…in pure #HTML⁉️ [no #JavaScript, no #CSS, no images!!] 😱 #coding

  • Untitled post 58888

    When you see a comment in the code and afraid to ask it's backstory. #programming #coding #memes

  • Untitled post 58859

    Lapse is an #opensource code "Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor" for Mac, Windows, and #Linux. Pre-Alpha stage. Looks from the screenshot similar to VSCode but reading more up on it. Always interested to see new editors (although VSCode is ok for me currently, and certainly fast enough… speed has been a "selling" point for…

  • Untitled post 58833

    Client: "We hired someone cheap who left us suddenly but project is practically done (we think). Looking for you to finish the infrastructure, push live, and commit to maintaining it." 🤔 #programming #coding

  • "Non-code contributions are the secret to #opensource success." "“Even if you write an amazing program, no one will use it if you don’t explain what it does and how to use it…" #WordPress #coding

  • Untitled post 58810

    Brilliant. Why I 🧡 the #web. "Worst way to share your code". #coding #programming

  • Untitled post 58742

    Someone made an alignment chart for a #developer naming variables and I love it. #programming #memes #coding

  • TIOBE Index for January 2024 "Compared to January 2023, #JavaScript climbed to 6th, #PHP to 7th, and C# remains 5th." #programming #coding

  • Untitled post 58590

    I enjoyed this #programming post: "4 billion if statements" #coding

  • I actually do this and I don't feel now it's so weird: "A simple #programming #productivity trick: leave work unfinished to reach flow " #development #coding

  • Untitled post 58419

    When I saw this I instantly was triggered by my inability to properly at times initially define variable names in #PHP. #coding #developers

  • A list of useful, not-obvious hacks to get the most out of your browser’s1 debugger. Assumes an intermediate-level-or-higher understanding of the developer tools. #Developers #Coding #JavaScript

  • "No one actually wants simplicity." "The real test is the question “what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve simplicity?” If the answer is “nothing”, then you don’t actually love simplicity at all, it’s your lowest priority." #development #coding

  • Untitled post 56213

    Developers: The Alignment System for testing. #coding #development

  • RT @josipvojak: PHP 8.1 will be released on Nov 25. Stay up to date and see what it brings to us! #php #programming #coding @ramsey @PHPS…

  • RT @compscidamian: I am gonna be attending @wordcampmiami 2019. #WCMIA #developerslife #computerscience #backinflorida #coding…

  • RT @alanadavis1233: Getting our #EdTech learn on this a.m. @fetc 2018! #RaspberryPi #Python #coding @STEMcobb @MabletonES #ultimatelearning…

  • Curated list of “creative #coding resources (books, links, videos) primarily for beginners/intermediates”.…