
  • UBC’s github link: github.com/ubc @enej @scottmcmillan #buddycamp

  • Listening to @enej & @scottmcmillan talk about UBC Blogs and BuddyPress. #buddycamp

  • Liking what you’re seeing at #buddycamp? Any interest to bringing a (mini) BuddyCamp to WordCamp Miami? Let me know. #wcmia

  • RT @photomatt: Updating wordpress.org footer at #buddycamp, now links to bbPress and BuddyPress.

  • Gotta give a big hand to the Justice League of BuddyPress (panel). #buddycamp

  • CampTix Event Ticketing plugin mentioned at #buddycamp: wordpress.org/extend/plugins…

  • “We need to provide people an escape hatch” from prepartary networks & give reasons people come back to your website. @photomatt #buddycamp

  • Word for the day from @photomatt : “Meta-BuddaPress” #buddycamp

  • “BuddyPress is P2 for the entire network.” @JJJ #BuddyCamp

  • .@photomatt asks “Do you use WordPress?” Random stranger: “No I use WooThemes.” Laughter. #buddycamp

  • “Having a single install of BuddyPress that would cover all installs and communities is a pipe dream.”@boone #buddycamp

  • #BuddyCamp rule #8 – mention Drupal and the room goes dead silent.

  • BuddyPress panel or geeky American Idol judges? #buddycamp

  • hum… @photomatt just walked in late in #BuddyCamp. His jacket looks like a spacesuit from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

  • Told my wife I’m watching #BuddyCamp and she says if i need buddies, she has friends she can introduce me to.

  • Shot of @JJJ at #BuddyCamp. What, no BuddyPress logo on the outfit?

  • Armchair WordCampers, grab a livestream ticket for #BuddyCamp today bit.ly/Rrq6FR

  • Turnout for #BuddyCamp impressive so far:

  • RT @buddycampyvr: Can’t make it to Vancouver? Live stream tickets are now available for #buddycamp! 2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/2012/10/01/liv…

  • RT @buddypress: Does your business work with #BuddyPress? Consider sponsoring the first ever #BuddyCamp! Details: 2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/2012/09/12/spo…