
  • RT @bmess: Welcome to the jungle we got fun & games!🤘😎 @wcmiami #wcmia #wcmiami #wordcamp #miami #buddycamp #wordpress #buddyp… https://t.c…

  • I felt a disturbance. As if my big ugly head was being shown on a big screen at a #buddycamp conference in Brighton at this moment.

  • Armchair WordCampers: Say hi to the first @BuddyCampUK w/ @imath @karmatosed @pgibbs @rociovaldi @hnla #buddycamp

  • RT @BuddyCampUK: At least 50% of installations of BuddyPress are for educational places. #BuddyCamp

  • RT @BuddyCampUK: And we’re off with the first #BuddyCamp in Europe!

  • The #buddycamp livestream was awesome. We need more livestreams for WordCamps.

  • Not sure if i agree with this. OH: “Except for a few, premium plugins have taken over BuddyPress. It’s all pay pay pay pay.” #buddycamp

  • RT @nonformality: The slides of my #BuddyCamp presentation on a happy relationship between #BuddyPress and #OpenEducation http://t.co/As …

  • “For me using SVN was like watching the Matrix for the first time” @pollyplummer #buddycamp

  • Those at #buddycamp looking for great BP sample sites might want to check out bpinspire.com.

  • Awesome. @boone is mentioning one of my BuddyPress sites (“personal trainers in Florida”). #buddycamp

  • Is @JJJ holding two microphones like a boss? #buddycamp

  • Drinking game: take a shot when you see a non-Apple laptop in the audience on the #buddycamp livestream. So far completely sober.

  • BuddyPress 1.7 brings theme compatibility – “works like magic” adding BP to any standard WordPress themes. @pollyplummer #buddycamp

  • Free BP + Bootstrap theme available: luca.untame.net #buddycamp

  • thepinkleague.com is a BuddyPress site using Twitter Bootstrap. #buddycamp @pollyplummer (raises $$$ for breast cancer research)

  • WordPress Bootstrap (WP-Bootstrap) 320press.com/wpbs/ #buddycamp

  • Jetstrap is for the kinky BuddyPress/Twitter Bootstrap devs, if you know what i mean. #buddycamp

  • Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 Photoshop Template PSD bentdesignstudio.com/v2/2012/03/twi… @pollyplummer #buddycamp

  • Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers charliepark.org/bootstrap_butt… @pollyplummer #buddycamp

  • If you are interesting in @pollyplummer talk about Twitter Bootstrap, bookmark “Font Awesome” fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/ #buddycamp

  • Javascript and jQuery libs sound like scary carnival rides to me (“carousel”) @pollyplummer #buddycamp

  • Listening to @pollyplummer talk about building BuddyPress themes w/ Twitter Bootstrap. #buddycamp

  • #buddycamp isn’t that popular yet. i’m not seeing a massive amount of twitter hashtag spam.

  • “Look at how users are using the system” when determining what BuddyPress features to tweak/add. #buddycamp

  • “Just because the functionality is available doesn’t mean people will use it.” #buddycamp @enej @scottmcmillan

  • So like sex or walking through IKEA then. RT @boone: #BuddyCamp is pretty awesome so far but totally exhausting

  • Interesting. UBC is switching to NodeJS to push content instead of AJAX. @enej @scottmcmillan #buddycamp

  • Usage numbers for UBC Blogs using BuddyPress. #buddycamp

  • UBC Blogs in 2008 using WordPress MU #buddycamp