ascii ( collidingScopes/ascii )
Turn videos into ASCII pixel art using js and html canvas Created by collidingScopes on Aug 12, 2024.
ascii-3d-renderer.js ( kciter/ascii-3d-renderer.js )
3D Renderer using ASCII. Created by kciter on Jan 07, 2024.
Why I 🧡 the web. Text to #ASCII Art Generator… VERY cool #oldschool
#Programming languages' logos in #ASCII art.
- is a client-side only web based application for drawing #ASCII diagrams. asciiflow is #opensource it seems:
As someone who grew up with BBS and internet in the 90s, would love to find time to play with this. "Monodraw" #ASCII art editor designed for the #macos. Create text art (like diagrams, layouts, flow charts) and visually represent algorithms, data structures and also be able to export in PNG and SVG.
Why I 🧡 the web. streams movies to your #macos or PC terminal in glorious #ASCII, with color and captions. #terminal
vhs ( charmbracelet/vhs )
Your CLI home video recorder 📼 Created by charmbracelet on Jul 19, 2022.
clad-ascii ( bejd/clad-ascii )
An ASCII art music video animated with JavaScript Created by bejd on Jun 04, 2020.