
  • Wow. Livestream and Apple TV stream are down. And is down? #AppleLive

  • Seeing this on #AppleLive lifestream. Apple trolling level 1000.

  • #AppleLive about to start. My current iPhone JUST died. Just displays Apple logo and “$$$” symbol. Damn Apple, you’re good.

  • Two songs on #AppleLive event stream means two iPhones people. Confirmed.

  • Waiting for the inevitable photo of a long line to the men’s restrooms and no line for the women. #AppleLive

  • My 5yr old daughter doesn’t understand #AppleLive – she keeps asking if My Little Pony is releasing another AppleJack.

  • Interesting fact: all celebrities are required to reset their iCloud passwords before entering the #AppleLive building.

  • Just saw young guys at CVS buying Depends underwear. They saw my stare and responded: “We’re watching the #AppleLive event.”

  • @film_girl any estimates yet on the billions lost in productivity due to todays #AppleLive event?