
  • Not everyone wants to hear about #WWDC today so a list of tags you can filter out: #WWDC2016 #AppleLive #RIP3.5MMJACK #iTunesBurnWithFire

  • Thin, baby. It’s all about thin. #AppleEvent #AppleLive

  • I’m hearing multiple voices on the #AppleLive lifestream. Oh wait, i haven’t taken my medication yet. #AppleEvent

  • Lighting a candle for the #AppleEvent lifestream today. #AppleLive

  • Was the #AppleLive livestream was just a quirk or an omen? We’ll find out in a few minutes.

  • RIP iPod Classic. #AppleLive

  • iWatch tap feature will be great for Facebook “pokes”. #AppleLive

  • Is this creeping anyone else out? #AppleLive

  • If there’s a browser on the iWatch, I think all responsive web designers will have a nerdgasm. #AppleLive

  • Love or hate Apple, competition means better products for everyone. #AppleLive

  • Screw the watch, I just want the watch bands. #AppleLive

  • RT @film_girl: It took Apple to finally release a smartwatch for a woman’s wrist! #AppleLive

  • Remember Google Glass? #AppleLive

  • People will use the iWatch for telling time as often as people use iPhones for making phone calls. #AppleLive

  • Watches aren’t for everybody. I guess that fact wasn’t obvious enough. I’m on the fence. #AppleLive

  • Oh snap. Tim went there. #AppleLive

  • Apple Pay isn’t perfect. Not close. But clearly another example of not doing something first, but doing it better. #AppleLive

  • Bring me back the translation on the live stream if we can take away that pink shirt. #AppleLive

  • “I would like to talk about an entirely new kind of service.” Thousands of pants need to be changed now. #AppleLive

  • You think no work got done today? You haven’t seen September 17th yet. #AppleLive

  • Finding it hilarious people are frustrated about the #AppleLive live stream because they can’t make fun of Apple.

  • Better iPhone camera to take naked selfies of yourself? Got it. #AppleLive

  • Either the woman just passed on on the #AppleLive stream, or the the language translation track has been fixed.

  • iPhone 6 Plus is attractive for battery live, despite the big screen. #AppleLive

  • “Nailing the Kraken”. Phrasing! #AppleLive

  • OH: “I wish someone can hack into iCloud and get this lifestream working.” #AppleLive

  • Breaking news: Steve Job rolling in his grave. #AppleLive

  • I can understand the frustration of those who say Apple didn’t do it first and when Apple does something it becomes mainstream. #AppleLive

  • Is the translation on the #AppleLive live stream for Samsung?

  • Naked photos of iPhones leaked. #AppleLive