
  • $329. The roar of the disappointed will now begin. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • Did they just show someone taking a photo with an iPad Mini? Seriously? #apple #AppleKeynote

  • Now don’t screw this up Apple. Price the iPad Mini well. Choose wisely. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • Apple to “competition” (Google): “You’ve been served.” #apple #AppleKeynote

  • iPad Mini – you can now wipe your butt in the bathroom without putting it down. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • An iPad mini would make a great second screen, especially at conferences. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • Star Trek fans now have their PADD. #iPadMini #apple #AppleKeynote

  • Apple has updated almost every product in it’s line in the last few months. Mac Pro is the red-headed stepchild. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • Oh sneaky. The baby iPad was behind the momma iPad. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • And suddenly the market got great if you want a barely used iPad 3. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • “Today we are introducing a new version of the…” (gasp in audience) “iBooks Author.” (sigh in audience). #apple #AppleKeynote

  • 100 Million iPads. This is why Amazon doesn’t release Kindle numbers. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • No Mac Pros? LAME. FAIL. ETC. #apple #AppleKeynote 🙂

  • Apple Fusion Drive. Next year it’ll be Warp Drive. Just wait. #apple #AppleKeynote

  • I giggled when he said “300 nits”. #apple #AppleKeynote