
  • Robata is a #macOS app to quickly see all of your desktop windows, find the one you want, and switch to it. $29 (worth it if you switch windows like this). notarized by #Apple

  • Untitled post 59533

    Why I 🧡 the web: Someone created an Applesoft BASIC editor that extracts and updates code into a live #Apple II VM. Sample programs. This was I think my first programming language in elementary school. #programming #basic

  • Untitled post 59489

    Oldschool #Apple fans unite. #HyperCard Simulator.

  • Still catching up on #WWDC announcements but regarding the keynote I think #Apple did what was expected, and in the #Apple way (the good version). I think most of it was smart, practical, and with less (but not zero) "glue with pizza" possibilities. But it's all in the execution, which will remain to be seen.…

  • "Apple's AI Strategy in a Nutshell" Interesting: "If most of #Siri interaction with the user ends with the user never opening any app, then this means apps have less discoverability and monetization opportunities." So app makers in a similar boat maybe as website folks with Google Search. Although I think app makers have more…

  • If #Apple truly calls it "Apple Intelligence" in the keynote that's already more clever branding and PR that what i've seen from #Google and #Microsoft.

  • Next week #WWDC predictions? #AI wise easy: Nothing that's going to match or top Google, Microsoft. #Apple will focus on iterations and practical ways intelligence is incorporated into the OS. This will extract a cry of "Apple is behind on AI". Which they are. But not worried. They'e always been fast followers. If they don't…

  • TinyPod is a cool concept. I remember the early iPods and the later minis. #iPod #AppleWatch #Apple

  • noTunes is a #macOS application that will prevent #iTunes or #Apple Music from launching.

  • Everything #tech has an overhyped cycle (usually in the beginning of its introduction to a critical mass but not always). If you’re reading this on Mastodon then you’ll likely rightly think about #AI #Apple etc. But also #Mastodon #ActivityPub #WordPress etc also had theirs. Maybe you weren’t around for them. And these (and more) have…

  • #Apple isn’t innocent but… “Apple killed the Amazon Fire Phone” …made me do a legit spit take. #DOJ 😂

  • If you've ever played "Lemonade Stand" on an Apple ][ – and maybe are into #programming – this might be for you: #Apple

  • Wow. #VLC (launched 23 years ago as a side project) hit 5 Billion (With a "B") downloads. 🤯 They are also doing an #Apple #VisionPro app, which is interesting. #video

  • Nice, if this works. Schedule #iMessage texts from .txt files. #Apple #ios #python

  • TIL There is a service that turns #Apple notes into #blogs.

  • #Apple news today: they are apparently NOT killing #webapps in #iOS in the EU. Looks like the apps still need to be built with #WebKit (so not Chrome, etc.) – so basically same as before. I'm sure people will still rain down fire on Apple, but can't say they haven't listened to criticism.

  • There are times when #Apple being "secret" is frustrating to no end, but in the case of the Apple Car project that part of the culture did serve them well.

  • NotesOllama uses #Ollama to talk to local LLMs in #Apple Notes on #macos Inspired by Obsidian Ollama. #AI Not sure if i trust this if i don't see the code?

  • Protip: cold where u are and don’t have heating? Use the heat from the anger of those directed at #Apple for purposely removing PWA

  • Nice. Every Default #macOS Wallpaper – in 6K Resolution. #Apple #Wallpaper

  • Apple opens up browsers in iOS 17.4, displays default web browser prompt. People have been wanting #Apple to open up, but I see a future where #Chrome being the top browser on #iOS. Or, put another way, #Safari marketshare given to Chrome. In a future where Firefox and other browsers' marketshare likely even smaller than…

  • Ah #WordPad. Introduced with Windows 95 in 1995. Goodbye buddy. Before I switched mostly to #Apple and #MacOS I was a big #Windows user and I had a big love/hate relationship with it.

  • An #opensource approach to "locally record everything you view on your #Apple Silicon computer". Records 100% local.

  • Untitled post 58566

    #Safari might be getting ability to have a checkbox natively look like a switch. 😍 #Apple #WebKit via @wesbos on Twitter.

  • Untitled post 58499

    Shot. Chaser. #Apple #iMessage #Beeper

  • Even with the recent M3 announcements from #Apple I still believe the best laptop and my favorite laptop is the M2 MacBook Air w/ 24GB and in Midnight Blue.

  • Apple Photos DB Explorer. "What does #Apple photos think about you? Does it think you’re good at taking photos? What age/sex/race/hair color does it think you are? Does it think you’re smug?" #Svelte

  • Untitled post 57661

    Performance monitoring CLI tool for #Apple Silicon

  • TIL about a ChatGPT App for Apple Watch called "Petey" that @gruber recommends: #AppleWatch #Apple

  • Untitled post 55859

    Why I 🧡 the web: Paper models of vintage computers (you can print out). #Amiga #Atari #Apple