API for shopping experiences "The Agora API enables developers to search, purchase, and track orders for millions of products sold on #Shopify and #WooCommerce stores." ๐ค Those price plans… https://developer.searchagora.com/ #WordPress #API #Bookmarking
Why I ๐งก the web. There's a cat API (of course). ๐ฑ https://thecatapi.com #api #webdev #cats
Someone bought an internet dog food dispenser, filled it with M&Ms, and made a script checks the Strava #API to see if he ran a sufficient distance. If he did, he got a reward like "the good boy I was". https://www.mayer.cool/writings/pavlovs-half-marathon/index.html #IOT
A great post about a programmer looking into a QR code system of a restaurant ordering system. And the horror of public APIs in some cases. Spoiler: He could order food for another table in any restaurant live without paying for it. https://peabee.substack.com/p/whats-inside-the-qr-code-menu-at #programming #Api
This is paid, but interesting. An #API for #Google Search autocomplete suggestions. https://keywordquill.com/ Not sure how legal this is?
Interesting experiment. "invertornot" is an #API that determines if an image should be inverted for optimal dark-mode rendering. https://invertornot.com/ https://github.com/mattismegevand/invertornot/ #webdev #frontend
Bruno is a "fast and #git friendly #opensource #api client" that is an alternative to Postman. All local, no cloud storage for privacy. https://www.usebruno.com/ #webdev
Good read. Not really new news but summarizes I think well enough. "Social networks are getting stingy with their data, leaving third-party developers in the lurch". #Mastodon #Bluesky #API https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/09/social-network-api-apps-twitter-reddit-threads-mastodon-bluesky
(Un)official #PHP bindings for the Open Brewery DB API. https://github.com/JoeyMckenzie/openbrewerydb-php-api Open #Brewery DB provides a public dataset for breweries around the world, as well as offering an #API to retrieve data in various forms.
The Web Monetization API – there's a name I haven't heard in a while. I agree with @chriscoyier and wanted it to be a thing. Good read on his thoughts: https://chriscoyier.net/2024/01/24/what-happened-with-the-web-monetization-api/ @nhoizey also concurs: https://nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2024/01/25/what-happened-with-the-web-monetization-api/ #webdev #api
Nice. The National Park's Service in the US has an #API: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/digital/nps-data-api.htm
"How to (and how not to) design REST #API" #webdev https://github.com/stickfigure/blog/wiki/How-to-%28and-how-not-to%29-design-REST-APIs
apitable ( apitable/apitable )
๐๐๐ APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives. [WIP] Created by apitable on Aug 17, 2022.
PoP ( leoloso/PoP )
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder Created by leoloso on Aug 27, 2016.
leaf ( leafsphp/leaf )
๐ The easiest way to create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly Created by leafsphp on Oct 12, 2019.
client ( openai-php/client )
โก๏ธ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API. Created by openai-php on Sep 25, 2022.
jsonplaceholder ( typicode/jsonplaceholder )
A simple online fake REST API server Created by typicode on Sep 20, 2013.
wp-graphql-gutenberg ( pristas-peter/wp-graphql-gutenberg )
Query gutenberg blocks with wp-graphql Created by pristas-peter on Jan 31, 2019.
chartbrew ( chartbrew/chartbrew )
Open-source web platform used to create live reporting dashboards from APIs, MongoDB, Firestore, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more ๐๐ Created by chartbrew on Aug 29, 2019.
boring-avatars ( boringdesigners/boring-avatars )
Boring avatars is a tiny JavaScript React library that generates custom, SVG-based avatars from any username and color palette. Created by boringdesigners on Dec 23, 2020.
dynacover ( erikaheidi/dynacover )
Dynamic Twitter images and banners Created by erikaheidi on Jun 02, 2021.
graphql-apis ( IvanGoncharov/graphql-apis )
๐ A collective list of public GraphQL APIs Created by IvanGoncharov on Nov 17, 2016.
memento ( antoinechalifour/memento )
Memento is a development-only tool that caches HTTP calls once they have been executed. Created by antoinechalifour on Aug 12, 2019.
co-cart ( co-cart/co-cart )
๐ CoCart is a customizable WordPress REST API for WooCommerce that lets you build headless eCommerce using your favorite technologies. Created by co-cart on Feb 09, 2017.
gutenberg-fields-middleware ( rtCamp/gutenberg-fields-middleware )
Register fields for Gutenberg blocks with less repetitive code Created by rtCamp on Mar 16, 2018.
twitter-streaming-api ( spatie/twitter-streaming-api )
Easily work with the Twitter Streaming API Created by spatie on Jan 11, 2017.
insomnia ( Kong/insomnia )
The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets and gRPC. Created by Kong on Apr 23, 2016.
wp-rest-api-cache ( airesvsg/wp-rest-api-cache )
Enable caching for WordPress REST API and increase speed of your application Created by airesvsg on May 21, 2016.
fbi-api ( CodeforSouth/fbi-api )
๐ด Florida Business Inspections API Created by CodeforSouth on Jul 11, 2016.
nodejs-website-boilerplate ( cosmicjs/nodejs-website-boilerplate )
A Node.js website boilerplate that satisfies some common website requirements. Created by cosmicjs on Jul 26, 2016.