• #RSS isn't dead and never has been. I don't blame #Google solely for it's fading from history for a while, but it sure played it's part. https://openrss.org/blog/how-google-helped-destroy-adoption-of-rss-feeds

  • Untitled post 58888

    When you see a comment in the code and afraid to ask it's backstory. #programming #coding #memes

  • MASSIVE OUTAGE*. In case you missed it, AT&T (and #Verizon and #TMobile, along with Cricket, etc.) in the US are mostly down (cell and cell data). Been happening for at least a few hours and still ongoing. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/22/tech/att-cell-service-outage/index.html This is the longest outage I can remember (I have "SOS" on my iPhone currently). #ATT *…

  • NotesOllama uses #Ollama to talk to local LLMs in #Apple Notes on #macos Inspired by Obsidian Ollama. #AI https://smallest.app/notesollama/ Not sure if i trust this if i don't see the code?

  • "Browsers Are Weird Right Now" A (mostly accurate) summary of major players in in the #browser space. https://tylersticka.com/journal/browsers-are-weird-right-now/ Most of these on the list I have installed and use although #Firefox and #Safari are my main ones. Arc was nice but couldn't get into it's groove yet.

  • I'm still finding this hard to believe. "Your fingerprints can be recreated from the sounds made when you swipe on a touchscreen โ€” Chinese and US researchers show new side channel can reproduce #fingerprints to enable attacks." #security https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/cyber-security/your-fingerprints-can-be-recreated-from-the-sounds-made-when-you-swipe-on-a-touchscreen-researchers-new-side-channel-attack-can-reproduce-partial-fingerprints-to-enable-attacks

  • Anne McCarthy on "overlapping problems with #WordPress" and she's looking for feedback from others. https://nomad.blog/2024/02/16/overlapping-problems/

  • Avoiding or ignoring controversies is my jam but i'm bookmarking what seems like a good write up on what's been going on w/ #BlueskyBridge, which includes responses to Includes negative feedback voiced from a few on #Mastodon. https://wedistribute.org/2024/02/tear-down-walls-not-bridges/ #Bluesky

  • In reply to @davidbisset. This developer has more "in 256 Bytes" demos and it's a nice list. https://killedbyapixel.github.io/TinyCode/

  • Untitled post 58815

    https://gradientslist.com/ claims it's the biggest collection of constantly added gradients on the web "powered by a community of creative people". #design #webdesign

  • Untitled post 58812

    Client: "We added some #accessibility for our site just to say we had something. I'm sure it's good enough." #webdev #programming ๐Ÿค”

  • "Why you don't need #React" #JavaScript #webdev via John Nguyen https://md.jtmn.dev/blog/%F0%9F%92%BB+Programming/PR-007+-+Why+you+don't+need+React

  • "Mozilla names new CEO as it pivots to data privacy " https://archive.ph/rmMEb #ThinkingOutLoud 50/50 odds at this point that #Mozilla will "leave"* #Firefox in <=4 years. I think those odds will increase or timeframe reduced. * – Not sure what word to use. Abandon? Firefox won't be "dead" but likely in a position where I…

  • Almost required reading for anyone posting on #socialmedia regardless if it's #Mastodon #BlueSky or X. https://notes.neatnik.net/2024/01/the-power-to-not via Adam Newbold. Time and replace for everything. Trick is knowing when which is usually far less than one initially reasons. Usually the question "will my response be welcomed or considered" is enough. โ˜ฎ๏ธ

  • The "Who To Follow on #Mastodon For #WordPress folks" page is still alive and kicking, if you weren't aware. https://wp-community-on-mastodon.wptoots.social/

  • My teenage daughters (freshmen in high school) told me they really love this "old song". It's Radiohead: "High And Dry". Do I feel old? Yeah but at least I raised them right. ๐Ÿ˜† #parenting

  • Untitled post 58778

    Another developer: "What's a typical bad example of a code comment?" Me: ๐Ÿค”

  • "Google adds AI to help humans write on the web." "Google reveals AI Will Read All Your Private Messages." "Google is doing _____ to search with AI." Can't help but feel history will write a chapter called: "#OpenAI and #Microsoft: How They Made Things Worse By Forcing #Google To Overreact". #AI

  • Why I ๐Ÿงก the web. Pong Wars. https://pong-wars.koenvangilst.nl/ It's a single #HTML file: https://github.com/vnglst/pong-wars/blob/main/index.html #JavaScript

  • In reply to @davidbisset. There is some saying this all will have Apple make #Safari "more competitive" which would also make the App Store better. I think Safari has been doing pretty good with CSS improvements in the past few years. Not sure if Safari competition is going to change anything in my scenario. Which…

  • Apple opens up browsers in iOS 17.4, displays default web browser prompt. People have been wanting #Apple to open up, but I see a future where #Chrome being the top browser on #iOS. Or, put another way, #Safari marketshare given to Chrome. In a future where Firefox and other browsers' marketshare likely even smaller than…

  • ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป The server side image map. Another trigger for #oldschool #developers. In the time it took to read that it either didn't do anything to you or you had horrible paralyzing flashbacks. ๐Ÿซข

  • ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป The server side image map. In the time it took to read that it either didn't do anything for. you or you had horrible paralyzing flashbacks. ๐Ÿซข #oldschool #developers #html

  • If you are triggered by the mention of the 1×1.gif then you are an 1990's #oldschool #developer.

  • Untitled post 58723

    Novice #Designer: "I'm going to design a user dashboard that literally has EVERYTHING on ONE screen (even if it's too much)." Me: ๐Ÿค” #webdev #frontend

  • The Web Monetization API – there's a name I haven't heard in a while. I agree with @chriscoyier and wanted it to be a thing. Good read on his thoughts: https://chriscoyier.net/2024/01/24/what-happened-with-the-web-monetization-api/ @nhoizey also concurs: https://nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2024/01/25/what-happened-with-the-web-monetization-api/ #webdev #api

  • Manager: "Don't spend time writing #documentation. Users can figure this out on their own." #programming #memes Me: ๐Ÿค”

  • Untitled post 58712

    Arjustings – The "ugliest handwritten #font made to grab everyone's attention". #free https://arjustings.gumroad.com/l/arjustingsfont

  • Apparently a list of recently updated plugins on WP.org is back! Apparently i've been told It's been years since .org team removed it. https://wordpress.org/plugins/browse/updated/ #WordPress

  • Nice. The National Park's Service in the US has an #API: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/digital/nps-data-api.htm