• "99.9% Of #AI is crap and should be ignored." "Start literally idea with AI to get rich/funding and abandon reason, logic and/or ethics." I've lived through enough bubbles in tech to not surprised to see these views that represent opposite ends of the spectrum in my social feeds (guess which one is seen where). From…

  • Untitled post 59084

    "You shouldn't care how your code works as long as it works." πŸ€” #programming #coding

  • Surprising enough i'm spending more time on #LinkedIn as my "other than #Mastodon social space". While recruiter and over the top marketing folks are there, they are easy enough to avoid and ignore surprisingly enough. Not sure why. Initial impressions is that there are more "news" links vs "snarky/hot takes and reactive" takes. Less negativity.…

  • Untitled post 59068

    #Programming languages' logos in #ASCII art. https://onefetch.dev/

  • This is cool. Visit https://viewsource.info/ and you'll see highlighted as you browser the site the #HTML pieces that make it up. Literally you are viewing the source. #webdev

  • Why I 🧑 the web: "Single Div" #CSS Drawing Experiment https://a.singlediv.com/ AMAZING what you can do with just CSS. It's these proof of concepts and experiments that made (and continue to make) the web fun for devs like me. More:https://github.com/lynnandtonic/a-single-div #frontend

  • #MentalHealth tip: it's ok to unfollow negative community folks even if they are active contributors or good developers. There's a line between venting on social media vs. nearly every post being negative, berating, or snarky attempts on the framework or community that they've chosen to be a part of. They can do them, but don't…

  • Untitled post 59041

    Friend: "I'm done with this #programming project but feel like it's missing a little bit of critical code." Me: πŸ€” #webdev #memes

  • My daughter is a college junior getting her #ComputerScience degree. She's currently frustrated and hitting some issues w/ her code in a class. "Hey i code for a living… happy to be your rubber duck… what language are you coding in?" Her: "#Assembly" Me:

  • Yeah if you're old enough to remember building #HTML websites with <table> then David Walsh's post is relatable. https://davidwalsh.name/im-so-old-1 I think I could add "HTML image maps" to the list (remember this method of creating clickable areas on an image?). #webdev

  • If you want to follow curated #WordPress news (posts, videos, podcasts), subscribe to the #RSS feed of https://wpfront.page (or visit the site). https://wpfront.page/feed/ It runs on a small $0.99 server so when I mention it on #Mastodon the traffic kinda overloads it briefly (even with caching but i'm working on it).

  • Saw today Quote Posts in #Tapbot app and loving how it's done. πŸ‘πŸ» #Mastodon https://www.macstories.net/news/tapbots-releases-ivory-1-9-with-quote-posts/

  • What's new in #WordPress 6.5. This is a VERY complete guide and worth the read. https://www.godaddy.com/resources/news/whats-new-in-wordpress-6-5

  • "It’s only a matter of time before #Tailwind collapses. The vendor-specific language and the misleading communication cannot hold water very long… Learn to write clean HTML and #CSS and stay relevant for years to come.” https://nuejs.org/blog/tailwind-misinformation-engine/ (I don't use Tailwind but I don't avoid or hate it, but do note posts that share pros/cons).

  • Untitled post 59015

    If i ever learned anything it's that If there's an odd comment in #code or sentence in a manual… it's there for a reason. #memes #documentation 😟

  • Since I've been playing around with #Cypress for testing, stumbling on this is interesting: Skyvern allows one to "automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision". #AI #LLM #python https://github.com/Skyvern-AI/skyvern

  • Happy #PiDay (3/14) to all the #math nerds and teachers who celebrate. πŸ₯§πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ”¬ My wife is a math teacher so it's a day for us. She gets this I get #StarTrek First Contact Day (April 5th).

  • Learned a bit about the #HTML quote tag. I've barely used it so far in my development honestly. https://www.sarahgebauer.com/post/quotes/ #webdev #frontend

  • If you've ever played "Lemonade Stand" on an Apple ][ – and maybe are into #programming – this might be for you: https://possiblywrong.wordpress.com/2024/03/12/lemonade-stand/ #Apple

  • Untitled post 59001

    "Ever seen a function in code that is named for the very thing that it DOESN'T DO?" πŸ€” #programming #webdev #coding #memes

  • #Introvert Guide to Visibility in the Workplace (I've seen some of these tips work for others, and i'm in process of taking a few tips listed here for myself). https://hbr.org/2024/03/an-introverts-guide-to-visibility-in-the-workplace

  • Untitled post 58954

    "I don't need to read documentation, I know how this works." #webdev #memes Me: πŸ€”

  • Hey kids. Go to O'reilly Auto Parts website and search for 121G. It's heavy man. https://www.oreillyauto.com

  • Untitled post 58937

    Developer: "Every time I forget to test my code today i'll write myself a Post-It note to remind me." Me: πŸ€” #programming #memes

  • Hey (for #Firefox users at least): #YouTube Search Fixer https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2024/03/01/developer-spotlight-youtube-search-fixer/ – Remove suggestions like "For you", "People also search for", "Searches related to", "Learn while you're at home", "Related to your search", "People also watched", "Other people are watching" etc. from your feed.– Remove Shorts from search results– Hide YouTube mixes and reels suggestions.– More…

  • #Apple news today: they are apparently NOT killing #webapps in #iOS in the EU. https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/03/01/apple-reverses-course-on-death-of-progressive-web-apps-in-eu Looks like the apps still need to be built with #WebKit (so not Chrome, etc.) – so basically same as before. I'm sure people will still rain down fire on Apple, but can't say they haven't listened to criticism.

  • Someone needs to check what's in the water over there in HP. "HP wants you to pay up to $36/month to rent a #printer that it monitors" https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/02/hp-wants-you-to-pay-up-to-36-month-to-rent-a-printer-that-it-monitors/ "Own Your Own Printer" is the "Own Your Own Data" of 2024*.

  • Untitled post 58922

    "What's one of the worst form validation errors you've ever seen?" πŸ€” #webdev #memes

  • I've been silently wondering about https://css-tricks.com for a while. Thanks @chriscoyier for providing some honest thoughts and updates. I think Chris should get it back, although internally DigitalOcean contact doesn't seem to be pushing that. https://chriscoyier.net/2024/02/28/where-im-at-on-the-whole-css-tricks-thing/

  • In reply to @davidbisset. This is a bookmark. No need to throw your defense or support in here. I don't use Tailwind nor have the want.