• Untitled post 59729

    Me: "I'm seeing a lot of warnings in my branches." Friend, not into #programming: 🤔 #memes #webdev

  • In reply to @davidbisset. And yes i'm aware of the prayer "“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. Just thought I would put it in my own words.

  • What's a life lesson you wished you truly learned earlier in life? For me: learn to accept what you can't control.. focus on what you can control and what your reactions to what you can't. #life #lifelessions #GetOffMyLawn

  • Nice idea: A virtual monitor for #macOS screen sharing. Great if you have a large monitor and don't want to full screen share it. https://github.com/Stengo/DeskPad

  • Sometimes you can be anxious or have focused rage about something happening on the web or social. And sometimes it takes something like a family member's health or a Cat 5 #hurricane heading toward you to put things in perspective. Oh, to have that clarity every day without the dangers.

  • Too early to tell but South Florida's luck might have just run out. #hurricane

  • Untitled post 59695

    I respect people's opinions and experiences on #coding and #AI. It's been my experience that AI (horrible general term, it's really Code Pilot in #VSCode ) has certainly helped me. Saved me a ton of time vs me trying to google something. Don't blindly trust – code still tested. Helps automate things and writes decent…

  • Trying to explain to my college aged daughter who's taking #ComputerScience about the <hr/> #HTML tag and the question "why?" has come up three times so far. #frontend

  • Today in #Internet news. https://www.wosu.org/2024-09-24/45-years-ago-compuserve-connected-the-world-before-the-world-wide-web On September 24, 1979, #CompuServe launched its online service for consumers. 45 years ago. Back when #modems made horrible noises connecting. My kids don't know… #oldschool

  • It's fun when you do a #PageSpeed Insight on your site during the course of an hour and get different scores in a 25 point range without touching or changing anything on your site (and the cache should be the same). I'm sure this is normal and i'm not trying to get to 100, just…

  • Untitled post 59638

    Someone: Let's combine the name portable" and "monitor" for our product to post on Amazon. 🤔 #Tech #memes

  • Untitled post 59634

    #CSS @property and the New Style https://ryanmulligan.dev/blog/css-property-new-style/ "The ensuing demo explores what's possible in the next generation of CSS."

  • Why I 🧡 the web: https://ismy.blue/ Interesting #tech online experiment, see how far you get before you doubt yourself and if your #colors match your other screens. HackerNews thread has owner's thoughts/reasons: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41430258

  • "#PHP is the Best Choice for Long‑Term Business" https://tomasvotruba.com/blog/php-is-the-best-choice-for-long-term-business "It's not about the language, but the ecosystem around it, and PHP is the best for long-term business costs." #webdev

  • Why I 🧡 the web. Someone made a site that lets everyone edit the same #gradient in real-time. https://internetgradient.com/ Going a little #viral so it's slow. Best to use on a desktop, full screen and Chrome (Firefox worked slower). #CSS

  • Wow. After 27 years AnandTech closes it's doors. One of the first tech publications I remember. #OldSchool geeks a moment of silence. https://www.anandtech.com/show/21542/end-of-the-road-an-anandtech-farewell #tech

  • I mentioned #BellRiots Day was today and now I think there's a white unmarked FBI van parked across the street from my house. #StarTrek 🖖🏻

  • Just when I thought the "one million checkboxes" viral experiment was behind us, this "I think i've been hacked but [won't spoil it]" is worth any #programmer time to read what happened here. https://eieio.games/essays/the-secret-in-one-million-checkboxes/

  • I'm using #WordPress Playground for my plugin for demo purposes and the updates to this particular tech is pretty cool and I don't think gets enough spotlight in the community at the moment. "Introducing Offline Mode and PWA Support for WordPress Playground" https://make.wordpress.org/playground/2024/08/05/offline-mode-and-pwa-support

  • #Gutenberg analysis in terms of "winning over users". https://wpshout.com/opinions-about-gutenberg/https://themeisle.com/blog/opinions-on-the-block-editor/ I'm mostly putting this here to archive these into davidbisset.social. But I've appreciated the block editor more as (in some cases forced) I've worked with it. Most of the feedback i've gotten is how things were handled/communicated (some of which were reasonable items). But WP wouldn't…

  • Untitled post 59596

    You're a freelancer. Client giving feedback on first review of your project: "It's perfect. Thanks!" You: #webdev #memes

  • What's new in ECMAScript 2024 #JavaScript #webdev https://pawelgrzybek.com/whats-new-in-ecmascript-2024/ – Well-Formed Unicode Strings– "Asynchronous atomic wait" (sounds like my band from college).

  • "Automating my /now page" I've seen some people put these together. It's interesting. "A deep dive into how I automated my now page on my personal website by creating a #Go script and making use of #GitHub Actions." #webdev https://akashgoswami.dev/posts/automating-my-now-page/

  • Untitled post 59550

    Me: "If i don't warn my spouse with enough notice i'm going out of town I'll be in the #doghouse." Friend: "How bad could it be?" Me: 🤔 #memes

  • …and here's an #opensource app that turns #photos into kaleidoscope animations. #JavaScript #CSS https://collidingscopes.github.io/

  • I visited this site when it viral and it captured the fun of the "old web" that you don't see much these days. "Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks" https://eieio.games/essays/scaling-one-million-checkboxes/ #webdev #oldschool

  • Just launched a redesign of the site of the company where i'm project manager: WP Charitable (see my bio). I talk more on LinkedIn about Charitable but I'll mention it here a bit now that the site is refreshed. It's exciting some of the things we have planned. I've learned so much about non-profits and…

  • Although I personally avoid it, I'm not usually pushing "Don't Deploy on Friday" out into the world but… #Microsoft #CrowdStrike

  • FYI in case you use(d) #Google URL Shortener. https://developers.googleblog.com/en/google-url-shortener-links-will-no-longer-be-available/ Not a fan of URL shortners (don't use them much anymore) even when I can host it myself. I have used them for "quick one day" things but not in blogs, etc. #blogging

  • Trying to figure out the best way to go through server log files over 100MB. So far I found this: https://github.com/variar/klogg I'm using a Mac, if that helps. Even text editors i've used in the past (VS Code and even more basic ones) will slow at a certain point. #webdev #programming