• " #Mastodon weaknesses and how to fix them " https://2ality.com/2024/11/mastodon-weaknesses.html Bookmarking to read in full later… …but interesting mention of #BlueSky starter packs (seeing more of pack mentions outside of BS). I wonder if we'll see the concept and execution come to other networks like M, and if BS didn't have them how long would…

  • "#Bluesky and #ATProto are not meaningfully decentralized, and are not federated either. However, this is not to say that Bluesky is not achieving something useful; while Bluesky is not building what is presently a decentralized Twitter… …it is building an excellent replacement for Twitter, and Bluesky's main deliverable goal is something else instead: a Twitter…

  • If anyone has experience w/ #Apple Watch and sharing "Health Alerts": Daughter is having some heart issues. Going to the cardiologist but meantime I want to give her my old Apple Watch (series 5 but it works perfectly, even has decent battery). She has an iPhone. Hoping that the heartbeat monitoring (when her heartbeat goes…

  • Touch grass? I'm lucky if there's grass in the yard. #deepthoughts

  • It's #PHP 8.4 day! πŸŽ‰ https://www.php.net/releases/8.4/en.php What's new, updated:https://php.watch/versions/8.4 Some more URLs:https://laravel-news.com/php-8-4-0https://stitcher.io/blog/new-in-php-84

  • Untitled post 59893

    This other social network has made #Mastodon is such a enigma. And not talking about Twitter. "Hoping Mastodon will get it's great migration too.""Hoping Mastodon stays small / underdog." …shouted simultaneously out of the same mouths. Proud to make my home here but it's odd.. maybe some of this noise is performative? Reminds me of…

  • Why I 🧑 the web. #Foursquare #opensource its places database. @simon gives a little preview if you're a #developer: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Nov/20/foursquare-open-source-places/ Actual announcement here: https://location.foursquare.com/resources/blog/products/foursquare-open-source-places-a-new-foundational-dataset-for-the-geospatial-community/ Could lead to maybe some fun #webdev ideas.

  • Untitled post 59886

    Maybe #Bluesky isn't so great after all. I told it to make me a "Starter Pack". It apparently took one look at my profile, jokes, what i looked like… and it came up with this. #memes

  • So yeah #PHP 8.4 is aaalllllmmmmooooossssttttt here. https://github.com/php/php-src/releases/tag/php-8.4.0 Should be out on November 21st. Here's more about it: https://www.zend.com/blog/php-8-4

  • For #developers: MailCatcher runs a super simple #SMTP server – run this and set your favourite app to deliver to smtp:// instead of your default SMTP server, then check out in browser to see the mail that's arrived so far. https://mailcatcher.me/ #webdev

  • Nice look'n. https://tips.io – A #Tailwind playground with #AI, page management, and theming #wesbitebuilder #webdev #CSS

  • Untitled post 59877

    Boss: "We don't need to spend time on #documentation. It's obvious how to use our software." πŸ€” #webdev #memes

  • I have twins. Sometimes it's not really #parenting as much as it's A/B testing.

  • #Mastodon … where 10% of my feed is how it's better than #Bluesky.

  • Working of my first real #Laravel project as i'm learning it – takes some getting used to. There's a lot of packages and shortcodes i'm trying to avoid to "learn" the bare metal. But it's only taken 3 weeks to get me to a point where I'm mostly just churning code away on a major,…

  • Nice to see HEIC supported in #WordPress. It's actually a feature I've heard asked about, and I've tried to upload a few HEIC files from my iPhone in my day. https://make.wordpress.org/core/2024/08/15/automatic-conversion-of-heic-images-to-jpeg-in-wordpress-6-7/

  • Clever: "I don't have #Spotify" Effortlessly convert Spotify links to your preferred streaming service. https://idonthavespotify.donado.co/ https://github.com/sjdonado/idonthavespotify #opensource #music

  • Why I 🧑 the web. "IMG_0416"https://ben-mini.github.io/2024/img-0416 (You would have to read it to understand but it's a random look into #videos posted from average folks from #iPhones to #YouTube)

  • #JavaScript dos and dont's. Tips and best practices. #webdev https://muan.co/posts/javascript "Start with only #HTML, then progressively enhance it, so it can still work without JavaScript. A table can be pure HTML; a sortable table needs only a dash of JavaScript."

  • Untitled post 59831

    Cue the "what are alternatives to #Pixelmator" takes. As a user for many years – using this instead of Photoshop – i'm neutral on this for now. If anyone HAD to buy it I would go with #Apple. Give Adobe maybe a run for their money.

  • This is big in #Apple world. Especially if you don't use #Adobe or #Photoshop. I paid for #Pixelmator and fond of it. https://9to5mac.com/2024/11/01/apple-reaches-deal-to-acquire-pixelmator/ 17 year old company… and how often does Apple do acquisitions like this? Almost never.

  • Daylight Savings Ends this Sunday. Most people: "That's another hour of sleep!" Developers(*): "I finally get that additional hour to test my code." Hey #programmers – get that extra hour of #sleep. You earned it. * = Most below the age of 30. #webdev

  • "What is the point of an online conference?" https://www.scattered-thoughts.net/writing/what-is-the-point-of-an-online-conference/ Accessibility and affordability usually are the big reasons. Sometimes it's being in the right mindset. I've seen online conferences done right. I miss live tweeting conferences like #PHP and #WordPress WordCamps – got a lot of interaction from people watching them online. #conferences #tech

  • Untitled post 59824

    Apparently there's a new #CSS logo coming? Down to two choices (screenshot from a voting request two days ago). https://github.com/CSS-Next/css-next/issues/105

  • Legit complaints about #Apple exist but the M series of chips isn't one of them for me. Apple announced #M4 today but I have a M1 Air and MacMini in my family that will last for years. My M1 Max and M2 Air aren't slow in the least. Of course I'll upgrade eventually. But I…

  • Untitled post 59819

    #Developer Friend: "I imagine my code from last week as a boring old 2-door car. What's your old code look like?" Me: πŸ€” #webdev #memes #programming

  • I'll just use the word "interesting" on this. "We’re in the process of replicating all of #WordPress to a modern tech stack (Node.js & Next.js) called NextPress". Including plugins and themes, they say. https://www.nextpress.ai/ #nodejs

  • In reply to @davidbisset. If you listen to the podcast or read the summary, i'm not really on board with much of the author's viewpoint on AI – but I thought the quote was so true for so much in general.

  • Great #quote I heard this morning. Context the #memes mentioned below are more of the viral mistruths and angry mob thoughts. "Memes are ideas and they compete for space in your brain. Their competition is not based on true they are. Their competition is not based on how good for you they are. It's based…

  • If you want to talk about waste, let's talk about waste. Let's talk about how Cookie Monster eats #cookies. πŸͺ #sesamestreet #waste