"Ever see things in real life that remind you of code bases you've worked on?" ๐ค #programming #memes #webdev
#PHP keeps on truckin'. #Laravel #memes
Picyard is a tool for making your code snippets look nice with various themes and languages supported. I've seen apps (paid and free) do this, but if you need a free online solution work a look. https://www.picyard.in/code #frontend #CSS #webdev #JavaScript #PHP
Why I ๐งก the web. There's a cat API (of course). ๐ฑ https://thecatapi.com #api #webdev #cats
Sadly, only good companies know the importance of people having skills BEYOND coding (call them "soft skills" or whatever). And some people will find these a challenge. But they are important IMO for a good potential career future. And no, I believe coders will exist but this is still worth a read because it's mostly…
Why I ๐งก the web: DOOM: The Gallery Experience was created as an art piece designed to parody the wonderfully pretentious world of gallery openings. Walk around and appreciate some fine art while sipping some wine and eating cheese – in a modified Doom game in your browser. There's even a gift shop! https://bobatealee.itch.io/doom-the-gallery-experience #art…
Interesting. Visiting slack.com. First screenshot is #Firefox. Second is #Chrome. I'm not logged into either (or have been for a while) browser. First shows "Talk To Sales". Second button instead is "Request A Demo". A/B testing? Check my cookies? But ok. But both of these screens: buttons seem off. Firefox worse. Slack maybe doesn't test…
If you are REALLY old school #WordPress you'll remember the mailing lists. I actually talked with people via (gasp) email lists in addition to forums way back. I still have mine for BuddyPress that I still every month for almost two decades? #oldschool #getOffMyLawn
You think YOU'LL have a bad time in 2025? Not as bad as some, it seems. #memes
If you build #WordPress plugins that go in the .org repo (or build them in general) this is an important read. ๐๐ป If you haven't started using Plugin Check – even just via WP admin UI – you have a new 2025 goal to meet probably. https://make.wordpress.org/plugins/2024/12/24/plugin-check-goals-roadmap/
Can't for @siracusa take on the new logo for #Perl. https://perladvent.org/2024/2024-12-23.html
Why I ๐งก the web. "Poop Adventure". Almost fell off my stool when i saw this. The UI and look isn't crap at all. Some may dump on this, but area is legit health concern. Not a waste of time. https://poopadventure.vercel.app/ #health
Reading: "How do you do, fellow web developers? A growing disconnect." https://rakhim.exotext.com/web-developers-a-growing-disconnect "I feel a growing disconnect between my notion of #programming and younger web developers' notion of it… My growing feeling of disconnect gets fueled mostly by seemingly shifting notions." If your over… say 35(?) I think you might feel this. I kinda see…
Why I ๐งก the web: Someone built an "Anti-Tag Cloud" site that shows the most common (English) words that DON'T show in from famous #literature. https://www.bewitched.com/demo/anti/ For example "religion" in Sherlock Homes.
Write Books With the Block Editor https://wordpress.org/news/2024/12/write-books-with-the-block-editor/ The editor is wrapped 'in an app". The demo editor is installable as a Progressive Web App (PWA) in Chrome. #WordPress
In reply to @davidbisset. And let's face it, we've all been there.
Real* screenshot from the US Department of Defense. #blogging #whoops #testing https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/4000004/test/ * = I know I post #memes, but this one is real though can't imagine this will be up forever.
"What's the worst password incorrect dialog box?" ๐ค #webDev #security #UI #memes
Both of my twin teenage daughters – only sophomores in high school – are OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED IN ADOBE #ILLUSTRATOR. ๐ I'm certified in… checks notes… NOTHING #ADOBE RELATED. Jealous. Amazes me that public high schools even offer this (Adobe partners with them). #proudDad
Loving page transitions in #CSS. Little effort and don't need to go overboard (yeah sure designers and developers never go overboard on new visual trends… lol). "Smooth Multi-Page Experiences with Just a Few Lines of CSS" https://htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2024/3/
I think both things here can be true. 1. This is an amazing example of ingenuity, programming, and overall #programming smarts. Bravo and I think coders could learn something here and apply it. 2. This is also capable of adding to the (some would call it "slop" but i'll see "below average quality") content (in…
Back in my day of #Bootstrap (used to be called Twitter Bootstrap that's how old i am) a number of free code snippet libraries popped up – came in handy when you just needed 10-15 lines of code. Looking for the same with #TailwindCSS . Search for "Avatar" and get some results back I can…
"Everywhere I look I'm reminded of my dwindling code commits in #Github." ๐ค #webdev #programming #memes
Why I ๐งก the web. Someone built a site where you can scroll through all 16,777,216 hex colors in one grid. (If you ask "why" then i'm guessing you haven't had much experience with your own mad side projects). #frontend #webDev https://www.everyhex.codes/
#Microsoft Study: What causes 'bad days' for #developers? (Why "Getting Out of Bed" isn't on the list blows my mind) https://newsletter.getdx.com/p/factors-contributing-to-bad-developer-days #programming #mentalhealth
My general rule when it comes to bots and new follows on social networks. ๐๐ป If you got an #AI avatar, you MIGHT be a bot.๐๐ป If you are following 999.9k+ users, you PROBABLY are a bot.๐๐ป If you call me funny and/or attractive then I KNOW you're a bot. ๐๐ป If you're asking for…
Real-Time Location Tracking with #Laravel and Pulsetracker's Redis Pub/Sub #PHP https://dev.to/l_walid/real-time-location-tracking-with-laravel-and-pulsetrackers-redis-pubsub-pol
"#Mastodon vs #Bluesky is a new standards war" (I don't view it was a war, but overall i agree with this take… i'd rather it come down to these choices vs alternatives). https://www.neelc.org/posts/mastodon-vs-bluesky-gsm-vs-cdma/
Usually the Ring Doorbell "Neighbors" app is boring or cringy. But this is a gem especially if you listen to late 90s rock. This is real not fake (only removed location data). Even if it's staged, bravo. ๐๐ป #creed
Genie: "For releasing me, I grant you a wish. " "There are 3 rules: I can't kill anyone, I can't make anyone fall in love, and I can't bring people back from the dead." Me: "I wish developers would stop making new #JavaScript frameworks." Genie: "There are 4 rules…" #webDev