big-list-of-naughty-strings ( minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings )
The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. Created by minimaxir on Aug 08, 2015.
random-sublime-text-plugin ( kimpettersen/random-sublime-text-plugin )
Plugin for sublime text to generate random, ints, floats, strings and words Created by kimpettersen on Nov 24, 2013.
swapi ( phalt/swapi )
*NOT MAINTAINED – NO GUARENTEE TO BE UP* Created by phalt on Dec 04, 2014.
WDS-WordPress-Export-XML-splitter ( WebDevStudios/WDS-WordPress-Export-XML-splitter )
Take a WordPress xml export file and split it into a number of chunks Created by WebDevStudios on Oct 15, 2014.
AdvancedNewFile ( SublimeText/AdvancedNewFile )
File creation plugin for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. Created by SublimeText on Oct 28, 2011.
GutterColor ( ggordan/GutterColor )
A Sublime Text 3 plugin which displays a colour in the gutter if the line contains a colour. Created by ggordan on Feb 15, 2014.
stellar ( fastmonkeys/stellar )
Fast database snapshot and restore tool for development Created by fastmonkeys on Jun 27, 2014.
cloudtunes ( jakubroztocil/cloudtunes )
Web-based music player for the cloud :cloud: :notes: Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc. Created by jakubroztocil on Sep 08, 2014.
SublimeText2-FTPSync ( NoxArt/SublimeText2-FTPSync )
Simple and free FTP(S) syncing (SFTP not available) Created by NoxArt on May 12, 2012.
static-zipcode-api ( dryan/static-zipcode-api )
“API” for getting information about a ZIP Code via a series of static files. Created by dryan on Apr 12, 2012.