Updated: January 9th, 2023

This site is an active and live “warehouse” of social links posted by David Bisset – the purpose of which that even if content is posted on other social networks that in relatively short time that content would be duplicated, sync’d, or migrated here for archive purposes.

The following are automatically pulled into this website when posted (these are the most active networks I’m currently on):

The following have been imported, but not actively pulling currently:

  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Flickr
  • YouTube
  • …anything else.

This site is powered by WordPress. It uses the Twenty-Twenty Three theme and 90% of the theme was built with the new site editor. It stores each post, tweet, etc. as custom post types but currently majority of images are NOT added to the Media Gallery to keep resources to a minimal. Site is cached at a reasonable level but more can be done.

The following have been a help getting this site to work (especially in terms of import and automatic functions):

If you have any feedback or questions about this site, reach out to me on any of the social platforms on the homepage of this site or check out my personal site for contact methods.

Own your content if you can. 👍🏻